The topic of "eCall minimum set of data (MSD)" for "Intelligent transport systems" has been defined in Standards since 2011, but only now the companies start to implement the new feature in their products (Telecom Protocol Stacks for car manufacturers).
We have recently added MSD/eCall Encoder/Decoder to our online tool 3GPP Message Analyser:
In this Article we summarize Information about MSD published by 3GPP and British Standard (BSI).
Terms Definition
eCall: A manually or automatically initiated emergency call (TS12) from a vehicle, supplemented with a minimum set of emergency related data (MSD), as defined under the EU Commission’s eSafety initiative.MSD: The Minimum Set of Data forming the data component of an eCall sent from a vehicle to a Public Safety Answering Point or other designated emergency call centre. The MSD has a maximum size of 140 bytes and includes, for example, vehicle identity, location information and time-stamp.
PSAP: Public Safety Answering Point
IVS: In-Vehicle System
eCall, in the context of "Road Traffic and Transport Telematics" (otherwise known as "Intelligent Transport Systems" or "ITS"), can be described as a "user instigated or automatic system to provide notification to public safety answering points, by means of wireless communications, that a vehicle has crashed, and to provide coordinates and a defined minimum set of data, and where possible a voice link to the PSAP.
Reference Documents
The "Minimum Set of Data" AND.1 grammar is defined in document "BS EN 15722:2011. Intelligent transport systems eSafety — eCall minimum set of data (MSD)" published by "BSI Standards Publication".
- 3GPP TS 26.267
No ASN.1 syntax of MSD. The document specifies the eCall In-band Modem, which is used for reliable transmission of the eCall Minimum Set of Data (MSD) from an In-Vehicle System (IVS) to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) via the voice channel of cellular and PSTN networks - 3GPP TS 22.101 Contains high level overview of eCall & MSD.
No ASN.1 syntax of MSD. - 3GPP TS 26.268Contains high level overview of eCall & MSD.
No ASN.1 syntax of MSD. - EN 15722:2011 "Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - eCall minimum set of data (MSD)"
- eCall Interoperability 2 testing Guide V2.4.3 (2013-09) - contains test scenarios
An eCall shall consist of an emergency call supplemented by a minimum set of emergency related data (MSD). The MSD e.g. vehicle identity, location information and other parameters, is defined by EN 15722:2011 "Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - eCall minimum set of data (MSD)". An eCall may be initiated automatically, for example due to a vehicle collision, or manually by the vehicle occupants.
Additional data (i.e. data not contained in the initial MSD) may be transferred at any time during the eCall (e.g. MSD acknowledgement, resending of the MSD if requested by a PSAP).
Example of Decoded MSD message
The Decoding was done by 3GPP Message Analyser MSD Decoder/Encoder.Standard Specification Version: 3GPP Rel12:Jun 2015 Message name: ECallMessage Message PDU(46octets):015C0681D54970D65C3597CA0420C41464583ADE68AC52E9BB8413F149C07414FB414F6010180813E82181823230 ECallMessage: 01 00000001 id = 1 msd(MSDMessage): 5C 0....... Extension of MSDMessage = 0 :Absent .1...... optionalAdditionalData = 1 :Present MSDStructure: ..0..... Extension of MSDStructure = 0 :Absent ...1.... recentVehicleLocationN1 = 1 :Present ....1... recentVehicleLocationN2 = 1 :Present .....1.. numberOfPassengers = 1 :Present ......00 messageIdentifier = 1 06 000001.. control(ControlType): ......1. automaticActivation = 1 :True .......0 testCall = 0 :False 81 1....... positionCanBeTrusted = 1 :True VehicleType: .0...... VehicleType ENUMERATED value from = 0 :before Extension marker ..0000.. VehicleType = 0 :passengerVehicleClassM1 vehicleIdentificationNumber(VIN): ......01 isowmi[0] = 29 :"W" D5 1101.... ....0101 isowmi[1] = 21 :"M" 49 01...... ..001001 isowmi[2] = 9 :"9" 70 011100.. isovds[0] = 28 :"V" ......00 isovds[1] = 13 :"D" D6 1101.... ....0110 isovds[2] = 25 :"S" 5C 01...... ..011100 isovds[3] = 28 :"V" 35 001101.. isovds[4] = 13 :"D" ......01 isovds[5] = 25 :"S" 97 1001.... ....0111 isovisModelyear = 31 :"Y" CA 11...... ..001010 isovisSeqPlant[0] = 10 :"A" 04 000001.. isovisSeqPlant[1] = 1 :"1" ......00 isovisSeqPlant[2] = 2 :"2" 20 0010.... ....0000 isovisSeqPlant[3] = 3 :"3" C4 11...... ..000100 isovisSeqPlant[4] = 4 :"4" 14 000101.. isovisSeqPlant[5] = 5 :"5" ......00 isovisSeqPlant[6] = 6 :"6" 64 0110.... VehiclePropulsionStorageType: ....0... Extension of VehiclePropulsionStorageType = 0 :Absent .....1.. gasolineTankPresent = 1 :Indicated afterward ......0. dieselTankPresent = 0 :DEFAULT FALSE .......0 compressedNaturalGas = 0 :DEFAULT FALSE 58 0....... liquidPropaneGas = 0 :DEFAULT FALSE .1...... electricEnergyStorage = 1 :Indicated afterward ..0..... hydrogenStorage = 0 :DEFAULT FALSE ...1.... gasolineTankPresent = 1 :True ....1... electricEnergyStorage = 1 :True .....000 timestamp = 123456789 3A 00111010 DE 11011110 68 01101000 AC 10101... VehicleLocation: .....100 positionLatitude = 2321364848 : 2321364848 - 2147483648 = 173881200 52 01010010 E9 11101001 BB 10111011 84 10000... .....100 positionLongitude = 2189306168 : 2189306168 - 2147483648 = 41822520 13 00010011 F1 11110001 49 01001001 C0 11000... .....000 vehicleDirection = 14 74 01110... recentVehicleLocationN1(VehicleLocationDelta): .....100 latitudeDelta = 522 : 522 - 512 = 10 14 0001010. .......0 longitudeDelta = 502 : 502 - 512 = -10 FB 11111011 41 0....... recentVehicleLocationN2(VehicleLocationDelta): .1000001 latitudeDelta = 522 : 522 - 512 = 10 4F 010..... ...01111 longitudeDelta = 492 : 492 - 512 = -20 60 01100... .....000 numberOfPassengers = 2 10 00010... optionalAdditionalData(AdditionalData): .....0.. Range of oid length(octet) = 0 :Up to 127 ......00 oid length(octet) = 3 18 00011... .....000 oid = 01027Dh 08 00001000 13 00010011 E8 11101... .....0.. Range of data length(octet) = 0 :Up to 127 ......00 data length(octet) = 4 21 00100... .....001 data = 30304646h 81 10000001 82 10000010 32 00110010 30 00110... .....000 Spare Bits = 000b Copyright (C) 2010-2012 3GPP Message Analyser For bug report, wrong parsing result, please e-mail to 3GPP Message Analyser
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